Mike and Primo DiCarlo
Creators of The Original 1945 Square Cut Pizza
Ohio Valley Pizza Company combines traditional preparations with the best ingredients for pizza that is authentic to it’s creators.
Mike sharing his knowledge.
Training session with Mike DiCarlo. Aren learns the ovens from the ones that started it all. The Original 1945 Square Cut Pizza is only as good as the best oven master.
Interested in being a part of something amazing?
Click here for employment inquiries.
Insider tip? When you order extra cheese, get it on the side. They will give you a huge bag of it. Why you ask? So when you get home with that tray and the first layer of cheese has melted you can add a handful of the cold cheese to your slice and enjoy like Primo intended.
Ordinary Times (ordinary-times.com)
by DW Dalrymple · September 14, 2019